Go With Grace

Go With Grace

Go With Grace is a new resource to guide and support New Zealanders through their experiences with death and dying. For many of us, we choose not to reflect on, or plan for, this moment in time. Go With Grace helps you to better understand and prepare for dying, to provide comfort and peace of mind to both you and your loved ones.

Creating a Go With Grace Plan

Give your family comfort and peace of mind that they are respecting and honouring your final wishes.

We understand that all the decisions that need to be made when somebody passes can be stressful and exhausting. Sadly, this takes people away from the precious little time they have with their loved ones. We want to support people to record their wishes and ideas before they die, to make this process a little easier for their family and to give families peace of mind that they are honouring their loved one’s wishes.

Create Your Go With Grace Plan

Understanding Death

With knowledge comes understanding, comfort and acceptance.

For many of us, we choose not to reflect on, or plan for, our own death. Go With Grace helps you to better prepare for dying, providing peace of mind for both you and your loved ones left behind. By sharing knowledge, we can empower people with choice, and ensure dying wishes are honoured.

Understanding Death


Explore books, music, poems, guides, podcasts and more to help you plan a beautiful farewell and navigate your grief journey. Search Resources…

Personal Stories

By sharing stories about death and dying, we believe it helps us all to better understand these experiences, and be better prepared to not only support ourselves but also support others.

"Death planning is a necessity. Go With Grace offers to arm us with enough knowledge and perspectives to make this necessity less stressful, pleasant perhaps, even joyful." - Annemarie

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