Book of Remembrance

Book of Remembrance

A book of remembrance can either refer to an official record book, which is kept at crematoriums or local councils, containing an official record of all deaths, or a personal book of remembrance, also known as a memorial book.

What is an official book of remembrance?

The entries in official books of remembrance are short, containing just the name, date of birth and date of death. The entry is made by a professional calligrapher and you will usually need to make an appointment to view it.

What is a personal book of remembrance?

A personal book of remembrance, or memorial book, is similar to a guest book at a wedding. It is left open during the farewell ceremony or wake, and guests are invited to sign it, and share thoughts, messages or stories with the family. The family may choose to add to the book following the service.

Typically, personal books of remembrance, or memorial books, include:

  • Photos
  • Cards or messages of condolences
  • Personal messages of farewell
  • Stories or memories celebrating the life of your loved one
  • Pressed flowers from the farewell service
  • A copy of the service sheet
  • Lyrics to a song or a poem.

What to include in a book of remembrance

You might want to include photos, cards or messages of condolences, personal messages of farewell, stories or memories celebrating the life of your loved one, pressed flowers from the farewell service, a copy of the service sheet and lyrics to a song or a poem.

The book of remembrance is kept as a memento by the family members and may be added to at key moments such as anniversaries.