Farewell Planning Resources

Planning Resources

There is a lot to think about when it comes to planning a farewell for a loved one, and often very little time to get it all sorted. Here are some resources that you may find useful as you organise a farewell service for your love one:

Farewell planning checklist

Our Go With Grace farewell planning checklist is a general guide of things you might want to consider when planning a farewell service.

We are currently working on a farewell planning worksheet which you will be able to download and use to note down the providers you engage with, the friends and family helping with various tasks and all the details relating to the service and wake.


We have compiled an overview of the various costs typically associated with funeral services. It may also be helpful to take a look at some funeral budgeting examples outlining the costs of different types of funerals.

Funeral directors

If you are working with a funeral director, they will be able to organise many of the farewell details for you if you choose, especially around caring for the body and the farewell service itself. They may also have planning templates and resources you can use to help with the process if you would prefer to arrange the details yourself. Search for funeral directors near you.

Other resources

Our Go With Grace resources section has a selection of poems, readings and songs that may be helpful as you put together the service sheets and playlists for the service and organise the wake.


Farewell Planning Resources

Has your loved one already made a plan?

Your loved one may have already done some planning themselves and written down their wishes in a Go With Grace Plan.

This will make it easier to plan a farewell honouring their life as they would have wanted. If your loved one created a Go With Grace Plan, a link would have been emailed to them and a nominated person, if you cannot access your loved one’s email to check, it is worth asking your loved one’s close friends and other family members.