
Christian Beliefs

Christians believe that they will go to heaven to be with God once they have died so in some respects a funeral can be seen as a time of both joy and sadness, as the person will be missed by friends and loved ones.

Preparing for death

A minister from the local church may come and visit the person and their family to discuss any concerns and to help the person to prepare for their death. Depending on the branch of Christianity (i.e. Anglican, Presbyterian etc.), there may be slightly different customs to be followed.

The body

The church minister will offer the deceased’s family comfort and support following a death to help them cope with their grief and to organise the funeral.

Christian funerals

A Christian can either be buried or cremated, depending on their wishes. The farewell ceremony will typically be held at the deceased person’s church and be conducted by the minister, but it could also be held at a funeral home. Most ceremonies will include hymns, readings and prayers by both the minister and the deceased’s family and friends. The coffin is usually present in the church during the ceremony and carried out at the end by pallbearers – usually members of the deceased’s immediate family. There will often be an opportunity for people to view the deceased and to say their last goodbyes before they are buried.

Christian burial or cremation

If the deceased has been cremated, the ashes may be scattered in a special location or kept in an urn by the family. Otherwise, the ashes or body will be buried in a cemetery and marked with a gravestone or inscription to remember the loved one.

After death

On special occasions such as the deceased’s birthday or the anniversary of their death, family and friends may come and visit their grave, leaving flowers or other objects on the grave as a sign of love and respect.


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Each branch of Christianity has slightly different customs to follow.