

Buddhists believe in rebirth and that when they die they will be reborn again. The goal is to escape the cycle of death and rebirth and attain nirvana or a state of perfect peace. There are lots of different types of Buddhism and many different ways of dealing with death.


The dying person may ask a monk or nun in their particular Buddhist tradition to help them make the transition from life to death as peaceful as possible. Buddhists believe that a person’s state of mind as they die is very important so they can find a happy state of rebirth when they pass away. Before and at the moment of death and for a period after death, the monk, nun or spiritual friends may chant from the Buddhist scriptures.

At the time of death

Buddhists believe the spirit leaves the body immediately but may linger in an in between state near the body. In this case it is important the body is treated with respect so that the spirit can continue its journey to a happy state. The time it is believed to take for the spirit to be reborn can vary depending on the type of Buddhism practiced.

Buddhist funerals

Because there are so many different types of Buddhist, funeral traditions vary, but will usually consist of a simple service held at the crematorium chapel. The coffin may be surrounded by objects significant to the person who has died and Monks may come with the family to the funeral to chant scriptures.

Buddhist burials and cremations

The person may either be cremated or buried depending on their tradition. There are often speeches and chants made relating to the impermanence of life.

After death

The importance of the gravesite will depend on the particular Buddhist tradition. Buddhists believe that it is just the physical body that lies in the grave because the person’s spirit has been reborn. Buddhists will often do things to wish for the happiness of the deceased person. For example in Southeast Asia, people give offerings to local monks in memory of the dead person.


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A person’s state of mind as they pass away is very important so they can find a happy state of rebirth.

Spiritual support resources

The Amitabha Hospice Service in Avondale, Auckland offers a range of spiritual support resources including Dharma Will, Sutras, Buddhist Teachings, Compassion Mantra, Meditation, Prayers and Pujas. View all spiritual resources…