Photo Albums

Photo Albums

Creating a photo album to honour and remember someone who has passed away is a heartfelt way to preserve their memory and share their story with others. Whether you’re creating an album for personal remembrance or to share with family and friends, the process of creating a photo album can be healing and therapeutic, allowing you to celebrate and cherish the life of your loved one.

Creating a photo album

You can either create your own photo album or have one professionally made. This page takes you through some considerations when making a memorial photo album.

Purpose of the photo album
The purpose of a photo album can vary depending on your individual preferences. You might want to create an album for personal remembrance, cherishing private moments and memories. Or, you might want to share the album with family and friends, providing an opportunity for collective reminiscence. Additionally, creating an album as a historical record ensures that the memory of your loved one is preserved for future generations.

Organising the photos
When organising the photos for the album, you could consider different approaches based on what best suits your loved one’s life and story. You may choose a chronological arrangement, tracing their journey from childhood to adulthood or highlighting significant milestones. Alternatively, a thematic organization can capture different aspects of their life, such as family, career, hobbies, or travels. A combination of both approaches is also an option, allowing for a comprehensive and cohesive narrative.

Choosing photos
Selecting the most meaningful and representative photographs is key to creating a powerful photo album. Sort through your collection and choose images that showcase their personality, relationships, and significant life moments. Consider including a mix of candid snapshots, formal portraits, and group photos. Remember, it’s not necessary to include every single photo; focus on those that evoke cherished memories and illustrate their journey.

Make it collaborative

You could also consider asking friends and whānau for any images they might have of your loved one that you could include, too. You can share your grief through laughter and sadness through the stories of each photo.

Additional content
To enhance the album, you might consider incorporating additional content alongside the photographs. This can include handwritten notes, letters, or excerpts from their favourite poems or songs. Sharing anecdotes, stories, or quotes that reflect their character and values can provide deeper insight and create a more personal connection.

Styles and formats
Photo albums can take different forms, catering to individual preferences. Traditional adhesive albums allow you to physically arrange and affix photographs on designated pages, providing a tactile experience. Digital photo albums offer the convenience of organizing and designing the album digitally, making it easy to share and replicate. Online platforms and software provide templates, backgrounds, and customization options, allowing you to create a personalized and professional-looking album.

Professional storywriting

There are a number of companies in New Zealand offering professional writing services to help record people’s life stories. Find writers and storytellers in our Directory…

Other ways to remember a loved one


Creating an album as a historical record ensures that the memory of your loved one is preserved for future generations.