by Trina Graves, 2016

When my time comes to leave
I really do truly believe
The goodbyes may be hard, but then
We Only Part To Meet Again

I will leave my overcoat behind
No use to me anymore because I’ll find
Expansion, Freedom, Unlimited Love
When my Spirit is released to the above

It might be easier for you to think of me
As gone on a journey across the sea
To a far away land as in times gone by
Before inventions enabled us to fly

Although we won’t be able to phone
You can still reach me when you’re alone
In Love and Peace, Uplifted in your heart
It will be as though we were never apart

Have an Uplifted Open mind and I’ll be there
The Energy of Love means we can share
Think of what to say to me, and you will find
I can talk to you through thoughts in your mind

Remember me by the Love we share
And know for you I always deeply care
Our Love goes on through all Eternity
So together forever we will always be