By M Oster


Not 1 but 3 kereru visited today
Weaving a kete of dance through the tallest of trees
Feathers of flight beating the air
Driving the very breath and hope of new life


When I was young you spoke to me about kereru
The joy they brought to you
Since then, they have been my guardian
They have been you
They have been the joy you bring to me
Ever watching


I knew they had come to offer support
I thanked them
And bid them welcome
As you did


In the sound of the rushing grace of their flight
The watchful gaze as they alighted in the kowhai they plunder
Here I will always see you
Be with you
Look for you


My giver of life


My dearest friend


Today nature is all the richer for your return
And all the more a sanctuary for me.


Dedicated to my Mother, Elaine Oster – 06/08/18.


This poem was generously shared with Go With Grace, as part of Dying Matters Week 2024. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful words.