By Pila Tracy Lee Maaka 


Today I wake…grateful I did!
Often relieved…since a kid!
Unaware…of the days I rid!
Doing life…like an endless skid!


Watching LIFE…scared ME!
Feeling LIFE…wounded ME!
Hearing LIFE…deafened ME!
And doing LIFE…moulded ME!


Savoured each & every day!
Grateful for LOVE…that came…my way!
From my Mama…whom couldn’t stay!
She left forever…& is where…she lay!
Just one more thing I’d love to say!
Love YOU MUM…if I may!
Cos each day…you did…without your pay!
Your love was intense…you’d never sway!
Loyal to US…you kept harm…at bay!
You’re gone…but come in the suns beaming ray!
Mama…you paved my way…to this very day!


I love you…I miss you!
I’m so grateful…for your ALL!
For each & every moment!
Till the higher powers…did call!
Twas your time…to go!
Tis important…for MY OWN…must also know!
The love…of my mama! Is that of mine!
For when I’m gone…with the sun…I’ll shine!
When at night…& darkness shall creep!
WE will surround them…;as they sleep!
To protect them…always…night or day!
Tis our love…for ALL…that’ll forever stay!


Tis the love of my Mama…her Mamas Mama…her Mamas Mama
& her Mamas Mama! And so forth!


Written by ME! Her Mamas… Mamas…Mamas Moko (Grand-daughter)


This poem was generously shared with Go With Grace, as part of Dying Matters Week 2024. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful words.