By Mary Death


The track is steep
the going tough
each step heavy
the summit beyond view


You too, are tough
strong, brave
climb at your own pace
for it is your journey


I have walked this way before
with climbers just like you
I will show you the pitfalls
share the vistas


There is much to be seen
in this wilderness


Drink it in
rest in the shade
pick the alpine blooms
tuck them in the brim of your hat


Lean on me
when you need to
walk alone and ahead
when the day is right


Savour the honey from the honeysuckle
lick the dew from the leaf
cool your aching body
in the running stream


Wrap your soul
in the warm blanket of your family’s love
ease your blistered feet
into a cocoon of dandelion fluff


Discard the unwanted objects from your pack
they are weighing you down
and for this trip
your heart needs to be open
and light


Go Well


I wrote this for a patient when I was a palliative care nurse.


This poem was generously shared with Go With Grace, as part of Dying Matters Week 2024. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful words.