By M Rudd, for my father Bill Rudd


Sunderland born, Barnsley Boy, Joined WW2@17, Merchant
Seamen, Illegal immigrant, Wharfie, Stood Loyal Unionist, Called
Traitor for been so, Worked where would have, Living Freemans
Bay slum, Raising Kiwi men’s children,
Called Pommy Bastard for fifty years, Fronted “men” wearing
punch a Pom a day t-shirts, One never did do him,
Cared for mentally ill, Respected by criminally insane and
criminals coasting sometime,
Tolerant man with a fuse, Raised both his teenagers alone, After
Mum would not take two, Pessimist/Realist/Wartime poet, Had
handshake representative rugby players underestimated only
Said Kia ora in solidarity with a telephone operator lasted rest
of his life
Now passed
My Father
Said Little
Spoke volumes
In this goodbye
Future smiles kindly


This poem was generously shared with Go With Grace, as part of Dying Matters Week 2024. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful words.