By Sally Cattle


Bluebells, Daisy’s and Roses Too
Are some of the flowers to remember you
Your home your castle where you enjoyed most
working in your garden and being the best host
Bringing out the best china sharing a cuppa or two It
was a joy spending those moments with you
Music warmed you and fed your soul when life was a
burden and took its toll
Your faith so important a comfort too Always trusting
in God your whole life through
Bluebells Daisy and roses too
These are the ways we will remember you.
All those Years so much you have seen
Friends come and go, what could have been
earthquake, disaster you took in your stride
Never letting your standards slide
Family filling your heart with so much love
Babies, birthdays special events were all treasured
time spent
A tasty meal full of fun, laughter and chat
You always looked forward to that
So proud of your children and grandchildren too
Your life was not always easy, known to just a few
Working hard making the most of each day the best it
could be Not all could see but you and me
Bluebells, Daisy’s and Roses too
Some of the flowers to remember you
Rest now safely with all those you know
Watching over your family as they grow making you
proud your legacy lives on
Until we’re together, it won’t be long
Goodnight God bless we love you and long for your
touch, you giggle your smile
We miss you so much Bluebells, Daisy’s and Roses too
These things will always remind us of you.


I wrote this poem for a very close friend’s mum, Estelle, so that it could be read at her funeral. I had the pleasure of spending some time with Estelle just one day before she passed away. I asked her what her favourite flowers were, this poem was a result of the answer she gave me.


This poem was generously shared with Go With Grace, as part of Dying Matters Week 2024. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful words.