February 7, 2024

World-renowned psychologist shares wisdom on ageing and dying in free Whangārei events

Whangārei will host one of the world’s leading psychologists this month, after forming a special bond with a local woman over a shared passion to help people better prepare for dying.

World-renowned French clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, Marie de Hennezel, is highly regarded globally for her work, writing and teachings on end of life and growing older. Her books have been translated into 22 languages, including international bestsellers The Warmth of the Heart Prevents Your Body from Rusting and Seize the Day

She headed the first palliative care unit created in France in the 1980s, is the author of two ministerial reports about caring for those with terminal illnesses and has been entrusted with the mission of raising palliative-care awareness by the French Ministry of Health. 

It was a chance connection that brought Marie together with a local woman, Katy Mandeno, a year ago. 

“I had started working on Go With Grace – a project to bring together information, resources and planning tools for those preparing for end of life – and one of Marie’s family members, who happens to live here in Whangārei, heard about my project and organised for us to meet for coffee while Marie was visiting,” says Katy.

Both women share a passion for starting conversations about death and dying, to help break down the barriers and fears that many people have about end of life.

“Having both lived through significant personal losses, we found an immediate connection in our desire to share our learnings and bring together information and support to help guide others through this incredibly challenging space,” says Katy. “Marie is an absolute inspiration. She has led these conversations for over five decades and can give a perspective on life and loss that few others can. We’re incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to hear her speak in Whangārei.”

Marie and Katy will be co-hosting two events this month, the first on Tuesday 13th February on the topic ‘How the dying teach us to live’, and the second being held on Wednesday 21st February, focused on ‘Helping people prepare for end-of-life and why it matters’. 

The first event is being held at North Haven Hospice, which has provided ongoing support, advice and encouragement to Katy through the development of Go With Grace. Both events are generously being held for free, with donations to North Haven Hospice welcome.

North Haven Hospice Tumuaki (CEO) Helen Blaxland says it is a privilege to host the event, being able to connect the local community, palliative care specialists, whānau and the wider Hospice community to hold this sacred, but important, space.

“There is so much value that comes from open and honest conversations about death and dying if it is done in a safe and supported way. We are grateful to both Marie and Katy for making the time to share their journeys, learnings and resources with our community,” says Helen.

Katy shares that in her experience, the peace of mind that comes from planning and discussing what’s important with close family and friends is immeasurable. 

“Not only that but it also means much less stress, worry and trauma for those left behind, because they can feel confident they are honouring your life – and legacy – in the best way possible.”

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