Henderson Reeves

Effective estate planning and asset protection requires specialist advice to ensure your wishes are carried out. It’s an increasingly complex area, and you can trust our lawyers to provide sound advice based on up to date knowledge. With an increasing amount of claims that can be made against a will, and ever-changing legislation governing trusts, it’s critical that your lawyer is well versed in this area. Our specialist wills, trusts and estate lawyers can advise you on how best to protect your assets, and to ensure your wishes are carried out, with a full understanding of any potential issues that could arise.

09 2813723

703 Rosebank Road Auckland Auckland 1026 New Zealand


Wills, Trusts and Estate Law Services

  • Making a Will

    Making a will is the best way to leave instructions on how you want your property and assets to be dealt with after death. If you don’t leave a will, your assets could go to the wrong people, and the estate administered by someone you do not wish to be in control. A will can also contain directives regarding guardianship of your children.

  • Estate Planning

    Estate planning is a specialist skill, and we can advise you on how best to ensure your wishes are carried out, and your chosen beneficiaries receive maximum benefits. Estate administration is an equally specialised area, and must be carried out with great care. Our lawyers can help with applying for probate and distributing or selling assets in accordance with a will.

  • Powers of Attorney

    Powers of Attorney give legal authority to someone to act on your behalf should you be unable to act yourself. They can be useful if you are out of the country, or in the event that you are incapacitated due to health reasons.

Contact Henderson Reeves
