Location & Venues

Locations and Venues

The final farewell of your loved one is an event where whānau and friends come together as a beautiful personal statement to honour the person who has died.

There are so many different options available to you when selecting a location for this final farewell service. There are no laws that state where a service can be held, and because there is often a stigma attached to death and dying, services are usually held in specific venues. Traditionally, in a church or religious venue, a crematorium chapel or at a funeral home, but there are many other options you may want to consider.

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Booking a funeral venue

Here are some things you might want to consider when deciding on a location for a funeral service:

What are the legal requirements?

If you are not working with a funeral director, you will need to take legal requirements, cultural beliefs and customs into consideration when choosing a location for a final farewell. While there are no laws about where a service can be held, there are laws regarding transporting the body and burial and cremation. Read more about caring for the body.

Get permission for the service

It is important to ask permission from the owner or management of the venue or property before holding the service, as a courtesy and to make sure the service complies with their regulations.


It’s a good idea to consider access for the coffin or casket (if the body will be present at the ceremony) to be carried in and out, as well as access and seating for the elderly and disabled.


Take into consideration how private the venue is to allow people to grieve openly.

Who can officiate a funeral service?

A minister, celebrant, community leader or a family member are all possibilities. There are no legal requirements as to who can officiate, however, consideration must be given to their ability to perform on the day. It is their responsibility to liaise with the family and to plan and coordinate the structure of the service. Search for funeral celebrants near you.

Alternative funeral location ideas

  • Private home or property
  • Function room
  • Boat
  • A local hall
  • Public park
  • Public beach
  • Sports club rooms

“Seashells remind us that every passing life leaves something beautiful behind.” - Unknown