Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

The average cost of a funeral in New Zealand is approximately $10,000. Whether you choose to have a cremation or burial, a simple service or traditional ritual, the funeral costs may be more than you expect. It is helpful to know that most funeral directors do not require up front payment but rather invoice for services provided.

Bereavement leave

Bereavement leave gives an employee time to grieve and to take care of matters to do with the bereavement. This does not have to be taken straight away or on consecutive days. Each employee gets bereavement leave for a minimum of three days per bereavement for family related deaths and other circumstances.

Work and Income

Work and Income can pay your loved ones benefit or superannuation for 28 days after they have died, which can help ease financial pressure. When you inform work and income of your loved one’s death, make sure you ask for the 28 days payment.

Funeral Grant

If the death of a loved one makes it hard for you to meet your living costs, Work and Income might be able to help with your living expenses.

ACC financial support

If someone has died from an injury, ACC can pay a funeral grant of up to $7,024.80 towards funeral and memorial costs. This amount changes every year and is based on the amount they can help with on the date the person passed away. You won’t pay any tax on this.

Veteran’s Affairs financial support

If a veteran dies while receiving payments from Veteran’s Affairs, they may be eligible for a one-off financial contribution to help with funeral expenses. If the veteran’s death wasn’t related to service, surviving partners or children may still be eligible for help with funeral costs.

Life insurance payouts

Some life insurance policies include an advance funeral payout. This gets deducted from the rest of the amount you are insured for. If the person who has died has funeral insurance, this will cover funeral costs up to amount insured.

Your support network

Support Crew is a free online support platform that easily co-ordinates meals and support for family and friends in need. Create a support page for yourself or someone else.

Bereavement leave does not have to be taken straight away or on consecutive days.

Benefit payments after someone dies

Benefit payments are able to continue for 28 days after a person dies. This is called a ‘terminal benefit’. Often Work and Income stops benefits when they are informed that someone has died. However, they should continue for 28 days if financially needed. Find out more…