Cultural Support

Māori and Other Cultures

When we reach out for help and support we all want to feel heard, understood and at ease. In some cases, the feelings and emotions attached to the situation you are going through could feel connected to your upbringing, family dynamics or cultural background.

In these situations you may feel more comfortable with someone who shares the same background or speaks the same language as you. Others may feel safer or more trusting towards someone of a particular gender or religion.

Whoever you choose to reach out to for advice, support or counselling is entirely up to you and there are a range of support services available to you.

Find counsellors with the same background

You are able to search the directory of New Zealand Association of Counsellors by cultural background and gender.

Vaka Tautua is a free Pacific helpline for anyone needing support. It is available in Samoan, Tongan, Cook Islands Māori and English. Call 0800 652 535.

Asian Family Services run the nationwide free Asian Helpline that helps Asian people in New Zealand access information and services in eight languages; Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Hindi and English. You can call the helpline Monday – Friday between 9am and 8pm on 0800 862 342.

Using a translator during counselling

If your counselling or support session is run in English and you require a translator, you may prefer to take a professional interpreter in with you rather than someone who knows you personally.

Publicly funded health services will usually provide translators free of charge. There are also private interpreters you can use, Ezispeak offers interpreting via telephone and video conferencing.

Search the directory of New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters to find one.

Kaupapa values

Search the list of New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists for psychotherapists that use Kaupapa Māori values and run their sessions in Te Ao Māori.

The Ministry of Health has directories for Māori health care providers in all of the local district health boards, or you can search through the Te Rau Ora directory for Māori health care providers specialising in mental health and wellbeing.

When we reach out for help we want to feel heard, understood and at ease.